Thursday, August 24, 2006

Lessons from parenting: Part 1

Honey Bear and I have two beautiful boys. Bundle is two, and Cherub is 3 months old. Here’s ten things I’ve learned:
1. Jumping out of a cupboard and yelling boo is endlessly hilarious.

2. So is yelling “Hoooa” like Will Smith on “Boom Shake the Room” every time Bundle squirts water out of a bath toy.

3. Children have amazing memories for where the food is kept and very poor memories for whether they have recently eaten any.

4. “Daddy. Funny.” Is the greatest compliment ever.

5. Compared to the competition, Hi 5 are the Beethoven Brahms Chopin Mozart and Rossini of children’s music.

6. Anyone who would prefer to spend the day at the office instead of being home with the children is completely mental.

7. Crumbed chicken with chips and tomato sauce equals meat and TWO vegetables.

8. Green bananas for $15/kg are STILL WORTH IT.

9. I do not want to ring Midnight Zoo and win cash. I want to send the host a 10kg bag of rice and a shirt.

10. It is possible to be addicted to a sound if that sound is a small child giggling.


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