Monday, September 18, 2006

With a yay and a moo and a cock-a-doodle-doo

Extreme tiredness does funny things to the brain.

Here's a conversation I had with my Honey Bear at around 3am, about a week after Cherub was born.

Honey Bear: Does he need feeding, do you think?

I'm not Craig: [mumbles something incomprehensible]

Honey Bear: I'm sorry, what?

I'm not Craig: [mumble mumble mumble] promenade

Honey Bear: I can't hear you

I'm not Craig: I SAID, I think you've got time for a quick promenade


In my defence, once of Bundle's favourite bedtime stories at the time was Sandra Boynton's "Barnyard Dance", which uses the word 'promenade' quite often.

Hmm, seeing that in print really does make it seem like a very thin excuse indeed. Did I mention that I was also exceptionally tired?

I really had absolutely no idea what I was trying to say. The general idea was that Cherub probably would not need to be fed for a couple more minutes.* I love the fact that I specified the actual length of promenade that would be involved.

Now, any time I fail to communicate with absolute clarity,** Honey Bear will look at me for a moment and then say "PROMENADE". Mystifyingly, she occasionally adds variety by yelling "Loretta!" instead.

This is one of many, many reasons why I love my Honey Bear so much.

* Which is how long a quick promenade would take

**Hard to imagine, I know


Blogger Melba said...

i believe this was the phenomena of "extreme tiredness" at work.

i was a sufferer in the early days too, right up until probably about 4 years ago, so when princess was 6 i found myself reading to her at night, and i was so tired i would fall asleep WHILE SPEAKING and insert completely wrong words. we had an injoke going about "elephant".

it went something like this:

me: and piglet and poo were climbing... the... elephant...

princess: ELEPHANT??!!

[mg jerks awake]

me: what did i say?

p: you said elephant. they were climbing the TREE, NOT ELEPHANT



another parent i spoke to at the time admitted this had also happened to him. while lying on the floor reading to his boys, he would drift of and insert completely weird words into the text.

and yay you for linking. and yay me for being first.

and double yay you for blogging so prolifically recently. i am going to be a bit scarce as it's school hols and i have to be "on board"

12:15 PM  
Blogger Melba said...

and boo me for saying drift of instead of drift off.

hate that.

9:43 AM  
Blogger I'm not Craig said...

Wait, this is going to keep happening for another 6 years? Oh well, plenty more blogging material there.

Don't worry about the scarce blogging. We know you'll be back and we will read your archives until then.

I didn't notice the 'drift of' thing.

And yay to you for commenting. Cheers.

8:30 PM  

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