Friday, September 15, 2006

Today They Went Dumb

I would rather hit myself in the head with a rock (full of angry bees) than watch evening current affairs shows, so I only just heard about one of Naomi Robson’s recent career high points.

I read in today’s Age about the outrage over Ms Robson’s broadcast from outside the Australia Zoo, 24 hours after Steve Irwin’s death, “dressed in an Irwin-style khaki outfit with a live lizard on her shoulder”.

I think Age journalist Kylie Northover may have crossed the line from reporting to editorializing just slightly by informing us that “the station blamed the unintentionally comical safari look on the wardrobe assistant who packed Robson’s bags”.

Ms Northover should feel free to cross that particular line as often as she wishes if there is something even half as funny as the phrase “unintentionally comical safari look” waiting on the other side.

So, how did this happen?

Let’s start with the lizard. Ms Robson explained that a young man had brought his lizard along (to a zoo?) and he wanted his lizard to be on TV. “I didn’t have the heart to tell him ‘no’,” she said.

This is great news for all publicity hungry reptiles and their caring humans. It seems all one has to do to get one’s pet amphibian on TV is ask Ms Robson, who is apparently constitutionally incapable of refusing. Once the Iguana Appreciation Society gets onto this, surely no day will got past without Ms Robson presenting the show with some form of scaled creature on her shoulder. And I’m offering $100 to anyone who can convince Ms Robson to host an entire show whilst balancing a fish bowl on her head.

And then there’s the khaki gear. This can be very simply explained. Ms Robson did not know what she would be wearing until just before the show went to air. To quote directly from The Age “Robson said it was ‘just all too quick’ and the shirt was all she had to wear."


I have just one question.

What did Ms Robson wear whilst traveling to and from the Australia Zoo that could possibly have been less appropriate than that shirt?

Surely no-one could possibly be convinced by these excuses. Is it that hard to just say “We went too far in trying to cash in on a tragically sad event and we’re really, really sorry”?


Blogger BEVIS said...

Yay! You worked out how to do the linky-thing in your sidebar!

Double yay! I'm in there! (Was it the threat of physical violence that did it? Or haven't you seen that comment yet?)

And while I'm here, that's an excellent final question. Maybe Robbo could have avoided all the controversy (and, I daresay, probably win more supporters) if she'd done the live telecast sans top.

I'm not saying topless, per se. Presumably she was wearing a bra under the safari shirt ... so it could possibly have passed for a bikini top (maybe), and simply implied that it was really hot on the Sunshine Coast.

Either way, it'd probably have been more tasteful.

(The notion that the shirt was "all she had to wear" makes me wonder about whether, just below the bottom of the frame, she was perhaps bottomless!)

As for the lizard, well, that's just plain stupid.

2:19 PM  

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