Sunday, September 10, 2006

Blah blah blah me

Hooray. My small technical difficulties have been sorted out. We have moved the computer into the kitchen so we can use it when the baby is asleep. Also, I have managed to find a way around the small difficulty that made it impossible for everyone except me to view this blog for a day or so last week.

A week ago I didn’t know what a “meme” was, but Melbourne Girl tagged me to complete this one and I figured any opportunity to talk about myself should be grabbed, so here we go.

1.Three things that scare me
- dentists
- how easily lead public opinion is, particularly when it comes to “border protection”, intolerance, fear of terrorism etc
- the thought of losing my family (I need to stop working in family law yesterday IT IS DOING MY HEAD IN)

2. Three people that make me laugh
- My Honey Bear
- Our two year old son (Bundle)
- The actual Craig (ie the guy who I am not)

3. Three things I hate the most
- Salmon (sing it with me “6.66/ is one hundredth/ of the number/ of the beast” etc)
- The ads that Channel 10 inserts into the closing credits of shows
- Gaining weight

4. Three things I don't understand
- The purpose of algebra
- what Kyabram is doing there
- Atheism

5. Three things I'm doing right now
- gazing at my baby son
- chatting to my adorable wife
- drinking beer

6. Three things I want to do before I die
- Play more gigs
- Travel to absolutely everywhere I haven’t been already and a few of the places I have
- Hug my great grandchildren

7. Three things I can do
- figure out who Honey Bear is thinking of with only the broadest of clues. For example
Honey Bear: “You know, the guy with the accent”Me: “Oh, Sean Connery”
Honey Bear “Yes”
- entertain a two year old for hours with a series of meaningless but funny sounds
- parasail

8. Three ways to describe my personality
- Intense
- Relaxed
- Somewhat confused, it would seem

9. Three things I can't do
- Rap
- Dunk
- Use a wipper snipper, apparently

10. Three things I think you should listen to
- A CD called “Powerpoint Battle of the Bands”. I’m on it. So is Jesse Spencer (from TV’s House, Neighbours etc) You don’t find stuff like that every day.
- Julie Delpy’s speech about where magic is to be found in “Before Sunrise”
- My son giggling

11. Three things you should never listen to
- “Tracy and Tim for breakfast”
- Cosima’s cover of “When the War is Over”
- The Liberal Party, and anyone to their right

12. Three things I'd like to learn
- How to be a better daddy
- How to reliably count to three

13. Three favourite foods
- roast chicken
- any seafood platter, particularly if it includes coconut crab
- my wife’s chocolate macadamia brownies

14. Three beverages I drink regularly
- cappuccino
- cafe latte
- macchiato

15. Three shows I watched as a kid
- Saturday night football replays
- The A Team
- Doctor Who

16. Three people I'm tagging

No blogger is likely to read this other than perhaps MG and Bevis (and he’s already been tagged)

Anyone who reads this who wants to be tagged, leave your blog details in the comments. I’ll then edit this accordingly, which will make the whole thing slightly weird but hey it’s a blog, it happens.

I will even link to your blog as soon as I work out how to set up the links section. I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT COMPUTERS. SEND HELP.


Blogger Melba said...

very good i'm not craig. i laughed at a couple of yours which means maybe i need to edit my list of "people who make me laugh"

a few comments:

1. i figure we share a tendency to catastrophise about losing our loved ones? i think this is normal, but let me tell you, you don't need to work in family law to be any more susceptible to this sort of neurotic behaviour. yes, it is neurotic. stop it now.

2. so. the actual craig makes you laugh. this made me laugh too.

3. i no get this one. salmon? the fish or is it a band? or something else? please to explain.

4. you don't understand atheism. i think we should leave this until we know each other better. i could talk about this until this time tomorrow. which would be very boring and somewhat inappropriate right now.

7. this made me laugh too. alot. it is indeed a great skill. remember to only use it for good, and not evil.

9. tell about the whippersnipper incident, for an incident there surely has been.

[waits and gets ready to guffaw]

12. you forgot to list one thing here.

14. how can you be relaxed with all that caffeine?

about the links section, you know when you write a new post? at the top of that screen there are little tags. go to the template one. scroll down through all the code to a place where it says something like this:

then something about sidebar-title and blogger links

what you need to do is cut and paste the http address of whichever blog/website you want to link to in here between double quotation marks, and then with a name/description following in between the > and <. just follow the structure in your template and see how you go. a tip, try first with a small change, before you go making big ones. then it's easy to change back if you need. after any changes you need to save them at the bottom of that window.

good luck.

9:58 AM  
Blogger I'm not Craig said...

Dear Melbs,

1. Yes it is neurotic. I'm probably always going to do it to some extent, despite my best efforts. However, I will do it a lot less if I don't spend my days empathising with parents who come to me because they are being denied the opportunity to see their children. It shreds my heart every single time I spend an hour with one of these people.

I know from reading your blog that you've been through a separation and I have nothing but admiration for how you handled it.

3. I have issues with actual salmon for reasons that are not particularly amusing. However, since I was listing it anyway I thought I'd include a reference to a band called "Salmon Hater" who got into Triple J's Hottest 100 a few years ago with a very amusing song called "6.66 is one hundredth of the number of the beast", which was in essence about being a little bit evil.

I love any band that can have that much success whilst utterly taking the piss.

4. It is a feature of memes (and possibly my writing in general) that oversimplified statements tend to be made. That was one of them.

We should have a lengthy online discussion of this at some stage. Perhaps I'll post something more considered on the topic at some future time and we can discuss it then.

9. The wipper snipper line was a suggestion from my Honey Bear who would really like me to get the wipper snipper out very soon. I put it in because I figured it was a fair call. There will be a future post about a hilarious incident with a lawnmower. Hopefully you will indeed guffaw.

12. The second item listed was "How to reliably count to three" Leaving out the third one was the point of the gag.

Thanks for your guidance on the links thing. Can I link to your blog when I finally get this figured out?

Glad the meme made you laugh, and thanks for the tag. Honey Bear and I had a lot of fun coming up with the answers.

6:28 PM  
Blogger PiesFan90 said...

12. I got it.

7:27 PM  
Blogger I'm not Craig said...

Hey clokeeeey, nice to know you read it. And, from one Pies fan to another, commiserations on the elmination final.

6:44 AM  
Blogger Adam said...

I think i've solved your problem; a wipper snipper is not a thing.

Would you say, young man that I'm a bad person I did read the entire post but I didn't read the entire comments?

11:02 AM  
Blogger Kate said...

I was glad to read that not being able to see your blog was less a result of my computer being afraid of the address "iwanttorideit" and more... something to do with something else.

I've been hooked on your blog since the revelation about the Bangles. Is it true??

And I didn't even notice the numbers in number 12. Seems I am also unable to reliably count to three.

12:25 PM  
Blogger Melba said...

wow, it's a real boy fest over here.

12:57 PM  
Blogger I'm not Craig said...

You read my blog. You could not possibly be a bad person.

Is a wipper snipper a metaphor? It's 3am. I'm confused.

Your profile lists "becoming a street ninja" as an interest. This made me laugh for a very long time.

If you were serious, please do not silently kill me shortly after achieving your goal.

Which revelation about the Bangles? That I bought their greatest hits? True. That their lyrics are wacky? Also true. That someone named D Navarro co-wrote their songs? Surely he would have sued by now if this was a lie.

Herbert is not a boy.

3:13 AM  
Blogger BEVIS said...

Okay, I'm late here but I'm here - and that's what sells tickets.

Me being here.

Anyway, I know all about linking and so on, but MG's description (bless her) confused even ME!

Yes, use the Templates tab, and then basically copy the Google News and Edit Me tags they've already left there for you to use as the example. Simple as that. You'll work it out. You're a big boy now, just like Herbert.

I found it very amusing that MG told you to put a third point in at number 12!!

And if you guys weigh in on an Athiesm/Christianity debate, I'll be half-amused and half-scared to check it out. No offense meant to either of you by that comment, but I think it'd be something I'd want to read at my own risk. Could be interesting; could start a war.

By the way, I'm Not Craig, when you figure out how to do the link thing, if you DON'T link to me, I will physically hurt you.

(Not really.)

(Okay, maybe just a Chinese burn.)


5:56 PM  

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