Wednesday, February 28, 2007

For your consideration

As you may have noticed, there hasn’t been much blogging going on around here lately. I’m not sure how long this situation may continue for, so until I do some more writing, here’s a few ways you could pass the time.

For a start, perhaps you might like to read about how this blog’s favourite ever “current affairs” show has reached new standards of excellence in making stuff up and then providing truly unconvincing explanations for their idiocy, followed up with the most amazing half-assed apology EVER EVER EVER. Read all about it here.

From a new low point in television to a new low point in the world of blogging, look no further than the truly amazing world of Victoria Beckham’s very own blog (and thanks to the charming Welsherella for drawing my attention to this one)

The list of gift suggestions for Valentines Day may be as bad as it gets, but I’m not sure because I stopped reading and hired an illiterate person to smash my computer with a large hammer halfway through it.

Finally, to recover from that travesty, perhaps you could pause and enjoy the following excellent quotes from various episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Willow: "Buffy, earlier you agreed with me about Thanksgiving. It's a sham. It's all about death."
Buffy: "It is a sham. But it's a sham with yams. It's a yam sham."
Willow: “You’re not going to jokey rhyme your way out of this one”

Buffy: "And you have a girlfriend named Olivia, and you haven't had a job since we blew up the school, which is valid, lifestyle-wise. I mean, it's not like you're a slacker-type, but... Oh, oh! When I had psychic power, I heard my mom think that you were like a stevedore during sex. Do you want me to continue?"
Giles: "Actually, I beg you to stop."
Buffy: "What's a stevedore?"

Xander: "Here's your coffee, brewed from the finest Columbian lighter fluid."
Giles: "Thank you. Horrible."
Xander: "Aren't you supposed to be drinking tea, anyway?"
Giles: "Tea is soothing. I wish to be tense."

Cordelia: "I personally don't think it's possible to come up with a crazier plan."
Oz: "We attack the Mayor with hummus."
Cordelia: "I stand corrected."
Oz: "Just keeping things in perspective."
Cordelia: "Thank you."

Giles: We'll get our memory back and it'll all be right as rain.
Spike: Oh, listen to Mary Poppins. He's got his crust all stiff and upper with that nancy-boy accent. You Englishmen are always so... Bloody hell. Sodding, blimey, shagging, knickers, bollocks. Oh, god. I'm English.

Spike: "It's a big rock. Can't wait to tell my friends. They don't have a rock thisbig."

Frat Guy 1: "If we cannot scare the young women, they will not fall into our arms. We'll have womanless arms. Halloween's not about thrills, chills, and funny costumes. It's about getting laid."
Frat Guy 2: "Is there any holiday that's not about getting laid?"
Frat Guy 1: "Arbor day."

Giles: Well fine, then just stay up there and keep making bunnies. It's a capital plan.
Anya: What capital? I never know what you're talking about. Loo, shag, brolly, what the hell is all that?
Giles: What? There's no way that you could remember me saying any of those words.
Anya: Oh, bugger off, you brolly.

Anya: Spike’s insane in the basement
Willow: Spike’s what in the what-ment?
Anya: Insane. Base.

Willow: "This means I can't help you study for tomorrow's final."Buffy: "Ah, I'll wing it. Of course, if we go to Hell by then, I won't have to take'em. Or maybe I'll be taking 'em forever."

And if you are enjoying this so far, you can find six season’s worth of them right here.

And that’s about it, really. Actually blogging will resume sooner or later. Hopefully.


Blogger Melba said...

hey, you're not allowed to get fatigued. not yet. you haven't been doing this long enough yet.

[heads straight to posh's blog]

10:20 PM  
Blogger actonb said...

More sweet sweet time-wastey goodness. Thanks!

10:23 AM  
Blogger I'm not Craig said...

I'm not fatigued by blogging. I am a little exhausted by the stuff in my life other than blogging. Fortunately, the "may not blog for a while" thing didn't last long.

More importantly, did you enjoy the blog of Posh?

Thankyou for choosing to do your time wasting here/at Posh's blog/at

It's always nice to see you.

9:59 PM  
Blogger actonb said...

Oh, it was the Buffy quotes. It gave me several long minutes of quiet (and not so quiet) chuckling. As well as an urge to go watch them all again. again.
I have an aversion to all things Spice.

12:11 PM  
Blogger Adam said...

This was a very excellent blogpost. I applaud you and your selecting of excellent quotes skills.

12:50 PM  

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