Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Pop Quiz

To improve your 'enjoyment' of this post, imagine that I sound a lot like Dennis Hopper. And let's face it, as far as most of you know, I just might. For extra points, scowl for 90 minutes straight whilst simultaneously flirting with Sandra Bullock.

It's Sunday. You have a one hour window in which to get a much needed haircut and you are stuck in an unfamiliar shopping mall. You discover that you can't go to Just Cuts because you don't want to pay $24 for a no-appointment-anything-can-happen haircut, and, even more critically, this business is heartily endorsed by Grant Denyer.

This leaves you with a choice between:

1. Spending another week or two looking like you forgot what size your head was and grew three times as much hair as you actually required, or

2. Bob the Barber

What do you do?

What. Do. You. Do?


Blogger Adam said...

I shoot my partner in the shoulder (with a needle of RunFast) and run run run to Bod the Barber. Probably won't take the bus.

11:26 PM  
Blogger Adam said...

Bod is nicer than Bob. They are brothers.

11:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take the kids' advice:

Bob The Barber
Can He Fix It?
Bob the Barber
Yes He Can!

7:15 AM  
Blogger Melba said...

i'm sorry, i just can't take this seriously.

the mere fact that a "bob the barber" or similar exists says it all.

men and hair = small, sometime problem.

girl and hair = every day, constant issue.

you can never know the hair angst of a girl. or more pointedly, you can never know the hair angst of me.

but it's a quiz right?

you went to the bob the barber, didn't you?

and thusly my point is thoroughly proved.

9:33 PM  
Blogger I'm not Craig said...

Adam 1 & Adam 2

Bod may be nicer, but is he secretly jealous of Bob’s fame? The world needs to know.


If the problem is ‘my hair is way too stylish’, then YES THEY CAN.


1. That’s a relief. I would have been stunned if anyone had taken this seriously

2. Sadly, the words ‘or similar’ are not required. The business really was called Bob the Barber

3. I too thought hair was a bigger issue for women than men. However, the one curious result of this post is that the first three comments were from guys, which is particularly significant when you consider that as far as I know there are only two guys who still read this thing.

4. The question was ‘what do you do’ not ‘guess what I did’ but yes, I did go to Bob and yes, that does prove your theory very neatly

5. They put a strange stretchy paper collar around my neck instead of a towel. It made me look like a cheap priest. Apart from that, they did a pretty good job.

There will not be photos.

8:37 PM  
Blogger gigglewick said...

* restrains self from making jokes about cheap priests *

My constant worrying about my hair is what prevented me from commenting on this post sooner.


4:59 PM  
Blogger I'm not Craig said...

Why would anyone pass up the opportunity to make jokes about cheap priests?


7:44 PM  

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