Thursday, November 09, 2006

Just wondering

A few questions that have been on my mind these past few days

1. How young is too young for one’s child to have his ear pierced?
2. As a minimum, would “while young enough to be walking around with a dummy in his mouth” be a useful guide?
3. What were that boy’s parents thinking exactly?
4. How long can one spend brushing one’s hair on the train before it gets a little strange?
5. Is 20 minutes too long?
6. 25?
7. There is a shop a few suburbs away from my place that sells two things: home brewing equipment and hydroponics. Does anyone else have a theory about what is going on here?
8. Is there some sort of award for sheer nerve in advertising and excellence in contempt for the intelligence of one’s target audience?
9. If so, can we give it to a certain burger selling company that probably has a bigger marketing budget than anyone on the planet but is currently running ads portraying itself as some sort of victim because some of the friends of the teenagers who work there may have suggested that the burgers are not necessarily made from minced eye-fillet and have cast other such slurs upon the clearly excellent quality of the food?
10. Do they also get a lifetime achievement award in the same category for, as part of the same advertising campaign, setting up a website which consists solely of propaganda placed there by one of the biggest corporations on the planet with the sole stated purpose of convincing the reader of the quality of that corporation’s products and calling it “”?
11. Seriously?


Blogger Snoskred said...

1. I saw a baby the other day, would have maybe been a month old at most, with pierced ears. It came as quite a surprise. I was not expecting it. However, if boys don't remember that little bit of surgery this is actually somewhat logical in some ways. I wish my parents had done it so I didn't have the pain at age 6. It is a horrible thing to go through, and that's why I only have one hole in each ear and have never got anything pierced again since. But then again, I am scared of pain..

4. How long is the hair? Because if it's like down to one's rear, then 20 minutes may not be unreasonable, if one was out in a storm or it was a windy day. But you'd want to be untangling some serious knots in that amount of time, not just brushing for the sake of it. ;)

9. Look I don't really know or care what is in those burgers. It bugs me that they're telling me this stuff because it seems like they're trying to convince people of something. I wish they'd shut up about it. I don't usually eat the burgers, preferring the deli rolls, but the whole thing is making me feel like not going there at all.. :)

While on the subject of ads, my Mum is fully pissed about that reindeer beer ad. She says it makes no sense. I agree but I think the reindeer is cute.

11. Seriously, can I mention how pissed I am that I am seeing these ads ON MY AUSTAR PAY TV? I am not happy about paying for ads but I love America's Next Top Model too much to cancel the service on principle.

11:19 PM  
Blogger gigglewick said...

It's also wrong when people STICKY TAPE bows to their children's heads.


that is all.

9:06 PM  
Blogger I'm not Craig said...

1. I got my one piercing ever at the age of 18. My children may do the same if they wish.

4. Just past the shoulder, sunny day.

9 & 11. So totally with you on the not caring about the burgers thing, but what is this reindeer ad of which you speak?

Who does this? Where? And why do their children not just kick them in the shins and run off to join the circus or something?

7:19 AM  
Blogger Adam said...

I like those ads, it shows kids making a difference to something they are passionate about.

Those kids are an inspiration, like the hardy boys or scooby doo.

12:03 PM  
Blogger I'm not Craig said...

Now I'm just confused. Which children? Difference to what? Are we still talking about reindeers?


9:06 PM  
Blogger Adam said...

Whoa! I'll throw you a lifeline I'm Not Craig!!

I was talking about the kids on the McDonalds ads... they're passionate about their jobs and place of employment and do some mighty fine detectivin' to get to the bottom of the story. They also ask the hard questions!

I'm surprised they don't demask the Supersize Me guy to find some evil australian/european greengrocer. He probably would have gotten away with it too...

5:04 PM  
Blogger gigglewick said...

Yes, but when are McDonalds going to give me some money/time off to drive to the factories "in the country" and find out about their chicken?

And will there REALLY be a lovely PR guy in a white coat and protective headwear there to meet me and show me around?

11:20 AM  
Blogger Adam said...

Given the evidence provided to me by television commericals, I would say a big, definite yes.

He'll probably make some Dad jokes along the way too.

11:46 AM  
Blogger gigglewick said...


I am SO going now.

9:06 AM  

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