Mere mail
Dear Barney Zwartz
Hi, interesting little blog you have there. I don’t think that you are necessarily helping raise the tone of the conversation by including a parody of Richard Dawkins within the first week, but hopefully things will improve from here.
More importantly, I just thought you should know that I was blogging about Richard Dawkins long before it was the cool new thing.
You owe me money.
Yours sincerely,
Dear people who actually read this blog,
I promise to shut up about Richard Dawkins for a while.
And I love you all.
Hi, interesting little blog you have there. I don’t think that you are necessarily helping raise the tone of the conversation by including a parody of Richard Dawkins within the first week, but hopefully things will improve from here.
More importantly, I just thought you should know that I was blogging about Richard Dawkins long before it was the cool new thing.
You owe me money.
Yours sincerely,
Dear people who actually read this blog,
I promise to shut up about Richard Dawkins for a while.
And I love you all.
My Dad asked me if I'd been watching the Richard Dawkins thing on the ABC. I said 'no' and he said, 'Harumph, I didn't think you would have'.
Now I come from a family of Atheist Scientists. I am the only Christian in my family. I'm not expecting him to indulge in a frenzy of watching 'God is wonderful and fantabulous is He not?' type programs, so why would he seriously expect me to watch Dawkins?
Harumph indeed.
Dude (as you will now be known),
Why stop talking about Richard Dawkins? You know we love it.
and that we love you too.
But you posted about Dawkins again. It's like that celebrity/sportsperson that did a press conference to announce she wasn't going to do any more press conferences.
Such unnecessary harumphing. You can tell your Dad I said so if that will help.
For the record, I did watch Part 1 of that Dawkins documentary. I decided not to watch Part 2 the following week because I don't think it's possible to actually die of intellectual annoyance but I'm not 100% sure and why take the risk.
Also, if he had said 'teapot' one more time I would have gone mental.
To some, I am already known as "Dude". In fact, one friend continues to refer to my family as Dude, Mrs Dude, First son of Dude and Second son of Dude, which is a little cumbersome really.
It's not that I will never talk about Dawkins again, it's just that I plan to post on other topics (or probably, no particular topic) for a while in a bid to stop this blog from turning into "Dawkins Watch".
Yes, it's quite like that, except without the fame and the money. But really, how else would people have known?
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