Monday, October 22, 2007

Warning: pun ahead

An old friend, who I have not seen in years, recently got hold of my email address. Ever since, he has been sending me endless emailed invitations to see his new band. These are clearly emails that are sent to everyone else on his email address list too.

As far as I know, no-one has yet come up with a name for this practice of marketing things to friends through annoying mass emails.

But there is an obvious one.

So, with apologies to anyone who has already thought of this and used it and can't believe I'm trying to pass it off as original, and indeed with apologies to anyone who hates puns and therefore apparently has never read this blog before and didn't take the warning at the top seriously...

Here it is:


On reflection, I'm going to just make that a general apology to anyone who has ever read or will ever read this.


Blogger Mizanthrop said...


9:01 AM  
Blogger meva said...

I second that *snort*.

I how I do love a pun. Never, ever make this a pun-free blog, INC.

3:27 PM  
Blogger Leilani said...

Have you heard that they are calling all those e-letters we may subscribe to: bacn?

But Spamway is a pearler...

11:27 PM  
Blogger I'm not Craig said...

Hey folks and thanks for the very kind snorts. Don't worry, Meva, there is absolutely no risk of this blog ever going pun free.


Leilani, I'm sure this is just evidence that I'm not that bright, but I was not aware of that subscribing to e-letters was actually a common practice and it is possibly for this reason that I am baffled by 'bacn'.

Please to explain? Thanks in advance, etc

9:26 PM  
Blogger Leilani said...

You know how your inbox can fill up with e-newsletters from places like: Palace Cinemas, Northcote Social Club, CD Now, Compass Records, Intrepid Holidays* and before you know it you have 10 emails clogging up your inbox?

I don't know why it's call bacn but I assume in the cyber world as in the kitchen that it's higher quality than spam when it comes to the content.

*Or is that just me?

10:35 PM  

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