Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Inventions that probably seemed like a good idea at the time, Part 1: Google

With all due respect to whoever came up with this thing, Google has not improved our lives.

Someone, possibly my employer, recently decided we should do some work on our little company website. Someone had the bright idea of checking how easy the website was to find by googling the name of the firm. Then they decided to google the names of various employees.

Including me.

Of course, the result of this was that, ten minutes later, someone had taped to my door a very stupid description of me that I wrote ten years ago for the website of a band that hasn't played a gig since grand final day 1999 (unless playing at each other's weddings counts) but which is still on the internet.

Improvement in website: 0%

Improvement in productivity: 0%

Increase in mockery of INC: like, about a billion %

Not pleasing.

I also spent the rest of the day having waking nightmares imagining what would have happened to my career if one could google my real name and find this blog.

Even though I feel utterly confused maintaining a facebook account in my real name and a blog in more or less someone else's, I have decided for now that linking my real name to this blog in even the most remote and tenuous way is just a recipe for career disaster in the manner of a trains smashing into each other.

On the other hand, the only thing my facebook account has which this blog lacks is a fairly bad picture of me (fashion and I are not close friends) and the potential for readers to throw hadouken and/or trout-slap me.

Gotta say I still prefer the blogging.


Blogger gigglewick said...

Dude, the self-google will getcha every time.

8:35 PM  
Blogger gigglewick said...

goodness but that sounds filthy.

8:35 PM  
Blogger Melba said...

ı prefer bloggıng too. ı have two facebooks - one as melba_may and one ın my real name. my real name one ıs the most borıng of all ınternet presences ı maıntaın.

for me ıt all comes back to the words, man. not the pıctures. not the socıal networks and lısts of frıends. not the feelıngs of ınadequacy when you only have three frıends ın your real name - not much!

anyway hı from turkkey. nıce to see thıngs stıll tıckıng over whıle ım gone.


9:40 PM  
Blogger Adam said...

I like facebook, it is fun for fifty four seconds. I still log in once a day though, because I like to do what is expected of me.

12:57 PM  
Blogger actonb said...

I like Facebook because I'm obsessive about putting faces to names. And then getting weirded out.

But I prefer blogging.

And hee - there's only one result for me on google, and it is utterly boring and innocuous. And involves sustainability and washing machines.

4:42 PM  
Blogger I'm not Craig said...


Yes, I should have known better (than to let others google me)


Yes! Exactly!

And I am unbelievably flattered that you would take even a brief amount of time out of a visit to Turkey to come and visit my little blog.

Also, since I'm not likely to see you before Friday, let me just say GO PIES GO PIES GO PIES


I am so damn excited that you're back that it's just indescribable.

Personally, I thought the thrill of Facebook first started wearing off around the 47 second mark but then I have a short attention span.

I am now very curious as to whether discovering what I look like would weird you out. If we ever meet, this will now be my first question.

*googles "Sustainability + washing machines + actonb"*

8:58 PM  
Blogger gigglewick said...

I'm now wondering if Actonb is weirded out by MY appearance....

* considers taking offence *

* thinks better of it *

* returns to loving glow of facebook *

10:02 PM  
Blogger actonb said...

GW - I wasn't weirded out at all... I was enamoured of your eyebrows!

The weirding out involves discovering that ones mental picture of a blogger usually bears no relation to the actual physical appearance of said blogger.

Except you of course, who I expected to be utterly gorgeous and wasn't disappointed.

*hopes that obsequious grovelling was grovell-ey enough*

12:46 PM  

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