Monday, November 19, 2007

There is a light at the end of the tunnel (says The Way of All Things)

Hey, remember this post from last year?

A couple of the predictions may have been slightly on the ambitious side, but with three sleeps to go it's looking like more than one is going to actually happen.

Frankly, I'll take it.

As you are celebrating the long overdue departure of the lying rat faced bastard formerly known as the Prime Minister, remember that you read it here first.

Expect me to be found wandering the streets of a previously safe Liberal but by then marginal Labor seat at 3am on Sunday morning screaming "ALL HAIL NOTCRAIGSTRADAMOUS"


Blogger Adam said...

I'm still slightly concerned that the ALP won't get the exact specific seats they require to actually take over as government. Someone was explaining it to me, and it seemed quite a big task, especially since some of the seats they need are fairly safe Liberal seats. I personally feel a bit jibbed that my electorate is safely with the ALP, I feel I should have moved to a Liberal electorate to help swing the balance towards betterer.

3:46 PM  
Blogger I'm not Craig said...

I am even more unhappy that my electorate is safely with the other bastards. Not only does this mean that my vote is less satisfying, it also means tht running through the streets wearing a K07 T-Shirt and screaming 'hell yeah' this Saturday night is out.

I'm a bit concerned about that 'winning votes where we need to win them thing' too. Fortunately, under the preferential voting system everyone gets to vote so all we really need is for a little over half of us to decide that Kevin is not Mark Latham and Sunday morning will be good.

9:24 PM  
Blogger gigglewick said...


that is my concern too.

If I was a finger-nail biter, I would no longer have any hands.

3:56 PM  

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