Why I needed a holiday
A few things I wanted to do at work last week, but didn't.
3. Just once, tell a client that their situation reminds me of something I saw on Ally McBeal. Confidently advise them on how Ally solved that problem and how the same approach could work for us.
4. Warn of the perils of litigation in song (If you don't want to cry like I'm doing, Keep away from runaway suing...). This will ony be funny if I hire backing singers.
5. Say to a client "All we ever do is talk about your problems".
I've been away for two days so far. Do you think they are missing me?
1. Ring up a client who was running 45 minutes late and say "Lara Bingle has a question for you".
2. Stand in front of the photocopier yelling "You're out of order".
3. Just once, tell a client that their situation reminds me of something I saw on Ally McBeal. Confidently advise them on how Ally solved that problem and how the same approach could work for us.
4. Warn of the perils of litigation in song (If you don't want to cry like I'm doing, Keep away from runaway suing...). This will ony be funny if I hire backing singers.
5. Say to a client "All we ever do is talk about your problems".
6. Announce during a staff meeting that in some countries they use fish instead of money and then suggest that we adopt this approach at our firm. Invite people to join a working group to discuss the necessary upgrades to our vending machines.
I've been away for two days so far. Do you think they are missing me?
You are JUST LIKE Sam Seaborn. Now what you have to do is run away with your best boy-friend Josh to join Kevin Rudd's campaign.
I frequently tell people "You know, Josh Pyke/Martin Sheen/Vanilla Ice had something to say about this...."
If you work for a law firm, dollars-to-doughnuts they can afford backing singers. It's your responsibility to recruit them/pass cost onto clients.
I will PAY to be a backing singer, may I also click my fingers to the beat?
I promise you're not unleashing some sort of singing dancing clicking monster.
Not an actual promise.
P.S) You know that one time, at this blog, when Bundles asked a few different questions and then said 'Number 5'?
Obviously I'm guessing, but I thought he was referring to the number of questions asked.
Bundle: I've got a question, Daddy
INC: And what question is that? (Question 1)
Bundle: It's your question
INC: Really? It's my question? (Questions 2 & 3)
Bundle: It's my question now
INC: And which question is it? (Question 4)
Bundle: Number five.
Adam - I showed MrB that post, and that was his exact reasoning too - it was all obvious to him!
I actually have no idea who Sam Seaborn is. I suspect this what happens when I refer to movies I have never actually seen.
I will get to work on the backing singer issue as soon as possible.
1. You're in. No need to pay, you can be involved in this project for free.
2. Regarding the PS, you have officially Solved Problems With Maths
I am so glad this was obvious to someone. I was baffled.
Aha - you're new to The West Wing then?
Rob Lowe's character from early seasons - first couple of episodes of Season 2 will explain what I meant there.
Also: Adam, you are slipping. I thought you promised us that NO PROBLEMS COULD BE SOLVED WITH MATHS.
Ahaha! These are classic!
I apologise for having nothing further to add. I just wanted to say that, particularly after reading the photocopier thing.
my love for ally mcbeal is now validated knowing you watched at least one episode. and you're a real lawyer too.
Thanks. I am now much less confused.
Thanks. In general.
I watched far more than one episode and I still want to emulate Ally by standing up in Court and proclaiming "It's just dumb!"
I am very concerned with the amount of memory you all have.
Damn, well, maybe you can solve one or two problems with maths, BUT YOU STILL CAN'T SOLVE CRIMES WITH MATHS!
You can easily solve crimes with maths when the crime involve someone breaking Benford's Law of Fibonacci.
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