Tuesday, April 10, 2007

World's most rhetorical quiz

Q1. Ms Fits has way too much spare time
A. True
B. False Really clearly utterly true

Q2 I should be
A. offended by that site’s very existence
B. oddly flattered by the attention
C. exceptionally miffed by the sheer lack of effort involved
D. quietly relieved that it is impossible to leave comments

Q3 Will I continue to read Ms Fits’ blog anyway?
A. Yes
B. Absolutely
C. Of course, as she is highly amusing and indisputably as nice as pie*

Q4 Should I stop this now
C.Yes, it’s ridiculous, seriously dude right now etc

There will not be a question 5, as I still don’t know what question 5 is.

* Pecan


Blogger meva said...


(Does this make me a type?)

P.S. You are obviously a star, INC!

8:52 AM  
Blogger gigglewick said...

Aha - but will you put it in your blogroll?

12:28 PM  
Blogger Melba said...

you know what? we never found out what the name of the band was, re all the discussion that made ms fits think that there might be some people who might starting hating i'm not craig.

did i miss something? did we get the name of the band? i know it was embarrassing you a tad over at fits' but can we continue it here? pleeeeease? i thought of some others that i don't think had been mentioned. but then again, i think they were earlier...

huxton creepers?

no, only joking. i'm not wanting to start it up again, but it's not fair that you didn't tell us. or did you?

email me?


3:22 PM  
Blogger I'm not Craig said...

This does not make you a type, and it certainly does not make me a star. But at least I am now being mocked by famous people.

I can't decide. If there was any content on that site, I would link to it in a second. However, since the whole thing is a bit of a farce, linking to it may seem like blatant attention seeking.

So yes, I probably will.

I didn't actually name the band. I just dropped a lot of hints, but since you're busy with weddings and stuff and you asked very nicely, I'll email you.

Prepare for a really big let down.

10:12 PM  
Blogger Melba said...

thank you very much.

i do like a nice wrap-up to a mystery.

2:43 PM  
Blogger Adam said...

I think I worked it out using the internet one time, but then I forgot to tell anyone including but not exclusive to myself.

Was there any actual content to the site created by Ms Fits?

4:02 PM  
Blogger I'm not Craig said...

You're most welcome

Whoa, you found a band with no website using the interweb? You weren't kidding about the ninja thing.

There was no actual content to Ms Fits latest blog. MAybe there will be if she ever reads this post...

6:48 AM  
Blogger actonb said...

Well obviously.

10:01 AM  
Blogger Adam said...

Yeah, first I found the childrens band, that was the easy part, and then I think I found reference to another older darker past. I'm pretty sure I did, maybe, I think... I can't remember now.

10:18 AM  

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