Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Worst excuse yet

Dear folks

I am too busy to blog this week as I am, quite seriously, attempting to build a sandpit from random bits of wood that I just bought.

This will, theoretically, be a Christmas present for small children.

Shortly after Christmas, expect to see either a picture of the most impressive looking sandpit in the history of the world, or a lengthy and no doubt humourous post about just how badly this ended.

Predictions welcome, so long as you're predicting that it will be the first one.


Blogger Mizanthrop said...

Don't forget to make a cover INC, lest you find by new year that what you've really made is a communal litter-box for the neighbourhood cats.

Thus speaks the Voice Of Experience.

Lookin' forward to the pics. :-D

12:26 AM  
Blogger gigglewick said...

Is it possible that your first mistake was buying random bits of wood?

If lifestyle shows have taught me anything, it's that you need to get your friendly local hardware dude to cut all your pieces to size. Right before he tells you to "go jump, you suburban lightweight".

good times.

10:11 AM  
Blogger Adam said...

Sand? That's so 1982. INC, you've got to be more with the times homie, using sand hurts our rampant and earth killing deserts, these days we be filling the sandbox with hundreds and thousands. Better for the environment and more fun for the kids. You can use cocopops or ricebubbles if you prefer.

1:05 PM  
Blogger I'm not Craig said...


We are planning a cover, but having trouble deciding between weed mat and shadecloth. Any tips on that?

Friendly hardware dudes are a bit thin on the ground around here. The wood dude in particular was actually abusive. He even managed to make 'have a nice day' sound like "die now you evil lightweight fool".

Some of the random bits of wood are quite similar in length to the other random bits of wood that I plan to attach them to. This may help.


Bundle's girlfriend is gluten intolerant. Also, I recently discovered, shortly before the party at my house with 25 children, that it is all very well to make fairy bread using gluten free and dairy free rye bread and nuttelex, but they still can;t eat it because the main ingredient in hundreds and thousands is, quite seriously, wheat.

So, cocopops and ricebubbles it shall be.

8:32 PM  

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