Okay, I know I said I wasn’t sure when I would write more stuff, but as it happens, I’m far too cross to keep quiet, and it’s all thanks to
this. You can find some more detail
here, and
here, and even
over here. Yes, our State government is inspiring, just not in a good way.
I have been thinking a lot about Peter Garrett lately, mostly thanks to Melbourne Girl’s
very fine post about his sudden support for US bases. The debate about his comments seems to centre on whether it’s better to have politicians who used to stand for something but take a pragmatic approach and compromise in order to get into power, or whether we would prefer to have politicians who never stood for anything, ever, in their whole sad lives.
These are, of course, not the only two options. It would be possible to set out what you stand for, stick to it, and see what happens. Wouldn’t it be fun if someone tried it, just for a change? Anyway, if the choice comes down to a pragmatist like Peter Garrett or a non-entity stands-for-nothing-ever idiot like Steve Bracks, I’m voting for the pragmatist.
In any case, here’s what may be considered the first draft of my next letter to our Premier.
Dear Mr Bracks
Everyone who knows me knows that I celebrated the end of the Kennett government in 1999. The celebrations lasted for months. And nobody would be surprised that I was unenthused by the prospect of Denis Napthine or Robert Doyle as premier of this State. Ted Ballieu seems like a reasonable sort of guy but I couldn’t vote for him without also voting for the rabble he leads, so, uninspiring though you are, you have had my solid support for many years.
You have not really done much as far as I can tell, other than stay in power, hold a few enquiries in order to then do nothing, bore us all with a pointless sporting event involving many countries and of course place a truly ridiculous roof on a train station, but I always thought you were basically a decent and generally inoffensive type of guy.
Not any more.
Your letter to the police association, promising taxpayer funded defences for police officers convicted of corruption type activities, was bad enough. Maybe it’s the ten years I have spent in the Courts defending people, but I always believed everyone was equally entitled to a fair trial. What I do not believe in is special treatment for those who have sworn to uphold the law but yet have already been convicted of corruption. Nor do I believe it is a particularly good thing to do a deal to this effect, in secret, for your own political advantage.
But that’s not all.
In a week when I though Today Tonight had sunk as low as it was possible to go when it comes to stuffing up and then providing an explanation that is so ridiculous that it amounts to treating the public with utter contempt, you went one better. It’s a big achievement, but I’m not sure how proud, exactly, you should be.
You actually thought you could talk your way out of this by arguing that it was not a secret deal between you and the police because the police did not sign the letter you sent them.
That is so far past stupid that you can not longer even see stupid out the back window of the car on a straight road in flat treeless country on a clear day with a truly well manufactured set of binoculars.
Let me just see if I understand your argument.
You wrote a huge long letter to the police promising to do a number of this for them, but it’s not a secret deal because they did not sign the letter.
The things you promised to do were things the police clearly wanted you to do and you had discussed this with them before, but it’s not a secret deal because they did not sign the letter
You did this shortly before an election and didn’t make it public, but it’s not a secret deal because they did not sign the letter
The police association came out in support of your campaign for re-election a few days after they got the letter, BUT IT’S NOT A SECRET DEAL BECAUSE THEY DID NOT SIGN THE LETTER.
My goodness you must think we are amazingly thick, or just too apathetic to care at all no matter what sort of stupid crap you come up with. Out of curiosity, which one is it?
I have voted for, or at least preferenced, the Labor party in every election since I became eligible to vote. That was 1992, which means I voted for Joan Kirner. And Mark Latham. But your recent disgraceful contempt for the electorate is the last straw. If anyone ever comes up with a half-way credible alternative to your appalling government, I will vote for them in a heartbeat.
If I do ever vote for you again, it will be solely due to a lack of any decent alternative, and I will probably slap myself in the head with some sort of waffle immediately afterwards. Then I will feel depressed and eat the waffle.
Please go away soon.
Yours in absolute disgust,